Very nice! My most daring and best investment to date. Back then, everyone here thought I was crazy.
@Iwant_money_423 The share was massively undervalued below €30. I bought a total of 500 shares in 3 tranches, making the share my largest single investment (after ETFs). It was an absolute no-brainer in my opinion.
@KevinE I am also at 27.50 EK with fewer lines and, despite criticism, I have absolutely nothing to complain about.
•@Iwant_money_423 I wouldn't expect too much from the tobacco industry in the long term - but BAT has a solid, intelligent strategy that will drive shareholder value even in this challenging environment. The share price was really cheap at under € 30 after the extraordinary loss due to the brand write-down - that's where I got in. If we see prices around €28 again, I'll buy in. In the tobacco industry, you can always profit from "bad news" and temporary price pressure.
@Valueformoney is almost like $RIO 😉
•@SAUgut77 Yes, and like the oil companies ... they'll be around for a long time, making good money and there are always opportunities for the share price to get really ugly ... you just have to go for it