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Why the $SPXS? Is there a special reason for this?

Just asking because it "only" synthetically emulates.
Hi @DividendenWaschbaer, that's a good question. I believe that the tracking error is lower with synthetic mappings than with physical mappings. For this reason, and a recommendation from a friend, I ended up with this ETF, but am open to alternatives.
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@equity_enthusiast_54 Well, I'll be ordering the $VUAG
@DividendenWaschbaer very interesting, also has a significantly higher fund volume than $SPXS. Are you saving in this as your only ETF or another one to counteract the dependency on America?
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@equity_enthusiast_54 I have separated my individual shares and my ETF portfolio and both run independently of each other.

The S&P500 is saved as a support for later health insurance contributions.

You can see the other ETFs in my portfolio. The $HMWO is only fed with dividends on a quarterly basis.
@DividendenWaschbaer Thank you very much for your input!