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Very nice! The start has been made.

I wouldn't count the Airbnb pad as a portfolio asset. It's enough if you run it separately as a cash cow and enter the income as a savings plan. Or do you want to liquidate it soon?

With the cash, I would consider investing in $XEON or $PR1H. It's a little safer and brings a little more return.

Otherwise, a pure dividend strategy in the savings phase is notoriously suboptimal. Low return, high risk.
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@Epi I understand the approach. I am more than aware that there are other options for cash. However, from experience, I would like to sit on a small mound of cash. As I said, it should simply be there, quickly available and provide the security for everything else.

I still count the dog kennel that I offer on AirBnB as part of this because it was an investment for me and should yield a return, just like the dividends I want. I get most of my money from my income and some from AirBnB, I don't see myself directly in a savings phase a la MSCI World accumulating with S&P 500 as an add-on. I want dividends and to see how my money has performed. For me, it is natural to make, monitor and control my investments myself. And hopefully cash in in the future ;).

I have made the first purchases to the best of my current knowledge and belief. I can't say what will happen tomorrow.
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@DocYeezz You've obviously already thought everything through.
Then why the post? 🤔
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@Epi I just wanted to show it and talk about it. I wrote that I find that rather difficult in my private life.