@JH90 hold both
@GoDividend although the share price increase at $JEGP is not that great?
The two have very different compositions and volatility profiles. One is US only, the other global. One weights tech very highly, the other weights the sectors more evenly. I also hold both and find this extremely sensible for me.
•@Rob314 take a look at the answer from @Yield-Ahead - that should answer your question ;-) it's not about whether there are 1 or 2 monthly payouts, but whether you spread the risk a bit and nobody knows what's coming. You can't plan the payouts for either of them, so I think it's the mix that makes the difference over time
•@GoDividend That's exactly how I see it. I don't plan for price growth in line with the market, let alone organic growth in distributions, with option strategies. There are too many imponderables. However, I am still able to achieve growing distributions by constantly reinvesting dividends, through savings plans and by making targeted purchases during setbacks. In the area of option strategies, I would like to consciously diversify, perhaps later via other funds such as $WINC. I also rely on uncapped bread-and-butter ETFs $VWRL and $FGEQ. 👍