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Sell everything and put the money in an ETF. Save it monthly and you're done.
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@Sansebastian I'm not quite that wild, even if I think the approach is sensible.
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@Sansebastian What do you mean you're not wild? Look at your stock selection...
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@Sansebastian read the other comments ;-) "Greenhorn" - just paid a bit of a lesson.
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@Traxian It's best to start with just one ETF. Individual shares currently make no sense for you
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@Sansebastian why one and not the three that I already have in my portfolio? if I only have the MSCI World, for example, I have an absolute cluster risk in America, which I don't really see myself using to be honest. Hence the consideration of including an India ETF in order to diversify more broadly. I understand the point about equities.
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@Traxian I don't mind if you make three. But I wouldn't make any more.