
Hello everyone,

I'm still "relatively" new to the stock market. Even though I've been investing sporadically for a few years now, I've been really interested in sticking with it for the long term since this year.

I save 2 ETfs with a total of €500/month. The $TDIV (+0.1%) and the $SPY5 (-0.63%) . I also have around 35% of my almost €23,000 in individual shares and BTC. But that's not the point.

I would like to expand my general knowledge of the stock market and would like your recommendations for books in this area.

I have already read the book by Finanzfluss and the book "Souverän investieren mit Indexfonds" by Gerd Kommer is already available. I also read the book by Beate Sander (Börsenführerschein) two years ago, but I didn't really get much out of it back then.

What else would you recommend with regard to individual shares or investing in the stock market in general?



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When Lambo" by Prof. Dr. Goldgraf!
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The intelligent investor
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For shares:
It will be difficult without shares

Financial literacy in general:
The richest man in Babylon
Rich Dad poor Dad
Think and grow rich
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