Would be too much work for me and yes, you now have the tax issue so you can't actually sell for 1 year if the price rises. I've actually just bought 1 ounce of Krugerrands myself. Let's see if that was a good decision.
@Johann_van_der_Smut Not being able to sell (or rather not wanting to) is not such a problem. I only invest money that I don't need at the moment and plan to hold it for more than 20 years. If gold falls 30% now, I'll just buy it at a lower price the next time I execute my savings plan.
•@Psychedelic_Sunflower I bought the coin for my son. The plan is to give it to him in 16 years' time. So I'm also positive about the long period of time
@Johann_van_der_Smut That's how we are different: I just sold my MapleLeaf. 😅
@Epi because you think it's going downhill?
@Johann_van_der_Smut 1. because +35% YTD is as much as the previous 5 years combined.
2. because the proportion of gold in my portfolio has exceeded its limit and I have to rebalance. 3. because someone is now reporting on their gold purchase on GQ every day. The mainstream media are also jumping on the bandwagon. That was different a year ago, when gold was just a useless metal compared to Bitcoin. Back then I was laughed at for my backtest, which considered 30% gold to be the optimum, but now there are the first portfolios that are implementing this. Super contra-indicator. 😅
2. because the proportion of gold in my portfolio has exceeded its limit and I have to rebalance. 3. because someone is now reporting on their gold purchase on GQ every day. The mainstream media are also jumping on the bandwagon. That was different a year ago, when gold was just a useless metal compared to Bitcoin. Back then I was laughed at for my backtest, which considered 30% gold to be the optimum, but now there are the first portfolios that are implementing this. Super contra-indicator. 😅
•@Epi Yes, the idea would have been better last year for the birth... 😎 If you always knew that... But I can well imagine that it will go up even further with all the global crises and from tomorrow even more stink and disharmony in the USA because of the presidential election...
@Johann_van_der_Smut The US elections are priced in. So have the planned new debts. Now the rising bond interest rates and the increasing liquidity bottleneck are likely to start weighing on the gold price.