
One more!

I'm still holding on to some positions, but I've decided to get rid of projects that have lost their meaning for me. Sandbox seemed much more promising as an idea, but in practice it proved not to be that interesting. The game had the potential for so much more. After some disappointment, I took advantage of the pump today to get rid of this cryptocurrency.

In addition to SANDtoday also saw the departure of Polygon, Celestia e Kadena. With the values my portfolio has reached, I can't afford to hold on to projects I'm not even up to date on. At the moment, they mean absolutely nothing to me.

They've all promised a lot, but right now, with all the learning I've done, I can't justify the market caps I can't justify the absurd market caps they have, especially when I compare them with companies of the "same value" listed on the market.

The Sandbox logo
Sold x739.41 at €0.595
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