
Moin moin dear community,

until now I was only a silent reader, now I would be happy about a feedback.

A few infos about my depot and the thought behind it:

I started almost 2 years ago with small savings rates. Initially I thought I could do well with sector ETFs, meanwhile I am of a different opinion and have therefore recently sold almost everything and restructured the portfolio.

I am now actively saving in 3 ETFs, which should make up 50% of my savings rate and my portfolio.

$XDWD (-0.78%) to 30%, $XMME (-1.19%) at 10% and $XRS2 (-1.57%) at 10%.

The remaining 50% should then form the individual shares, each at 3-4%.

$NEL (-3.5%) still flies out, $DPW (-0.29%) and $ADBE (-3.15%) are still to be added.

Thanks to a new job, I can work with significantly higher savings rates in the future and weight the individual items accordingly.

Since I am still relatively young, my goal is of course to build up assets over the long term and as securely as possible. Nevertheless, I wanted to add a few individual stocks, which in my eyes have what it takes for an excess return.

Kind regards!

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Why Deutsche Post of all companies? Your new employer or because of the dividend?
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So your name is already a hard clickbait, am disappointed :(
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It's quite IT-heavy. Let's see if you actually get an excess return with the current interest rate situation. I would probably leave out the Russel ETF. 2 + individual stocks are enough.
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looks good so far I think ;)
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In my view, good selection of individual stocks, but no real diversification - almost only IT stocks. I would recommend a broader diversification of individual stocks, although you can also achieve this with an ETF.
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