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Hello colleague, I've been doing this since 2018 and it's definitely worth it. And I always try to sell after the expiry date so that I can buy another large package the following year. Remember that the allowance for the non-cash benefit for the large packages has been exhausted. After an increase, I believe it is now €2000, previously it was €1440. So if you receive 55 shares as a gift, this means that you only really receive 12 shares as a gift. You have to pay tax on the remaining 43 shares, or around €6800, at your probably rather high tax rate. I would do it anyway, of course, but just so you know. It reduces the real profit a little.
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@JBatelli how much tax do you pay on 6800 euros of donated shares?
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With a tax rate of 40%. That means you earn 3000€ net with 5000€ gross. Then it would be about 2720€ taxes.