If you believe in the company and you can afford it, then 100/55 is probably the best option.
The company would have to lose more than 35% in value for you to make a loss.

In addition, Airbus pays out dividends, if they remain as they currently are, then you will receive around €2,400 on top.
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@Eggplant How did you come up with the 2x 400€?
@Gokhy29 155 shares x € 2.8 dividend = € 434 x 2 years (minimum holding period)
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@Eggplant oh well, the minimum holding period is now almost 3 years 🥹
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Last year there was also a special dividend of €1.

So I would rather expect €1.80 or €1.90 or €2 in the event of an increase.