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I wouldn't invest another cent today. The company has probably already reached its zenith. Strong sell.
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@tjwr I'm not so sure about that, Marvel and co. are extremely strong brands and they've always managed it, of course also through takeovers. ✌️
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@BamBamInvest The new Captrain America without Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) will certainly not be able to build on. Certainly won't be able to build on its success. Other Marvel stories have also gone nowhere. We'll see if they can turn it around again. I also think it's going downhill for the time being.
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@Aktienmeer but the last animated films were good, I didn't think Wolverine/Deadpoll was too bad either. And Mufasa certainly won't do badly either. I think a lot of people here underestimate Disney. We will See ✌️