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@DonAlvaro Not sure right now. Is this a plea for or against Harris? 😅
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@DonAlvaro Exactly, the intelligent part of the American population rather prefers to believe in conspiracy theories and is tempted to storm the Capitol by a guy who looks like a giant carrot. 👍
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@DonAlvaro Real Account or russia paid? :D
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@SteelAnacott Oh Pardon me, a giant carrot that believes or tries to make others believe they are eating cats and dogs in Ohio. Anyway that guy is friggin nuts. Mr Trump what is your take on the Economy? „THEY ARE EATING DOGS.“ The fact that this vote is still very close says a lot about many people.
@SteelAnacott At least he got a concept of a plan 😂
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@ad_absurdum Right, about health care he has a concept of a plan since seven or eight years. This is a man who gets things done!