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Are you sure that's the case? I've read something on X before, but then it wouldn't matter what's on the shortage list and what's not. Somehow I can't quite believe it 😅
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@Leipziger_Jung Yes, I am, but it has to be prescribed and cannot be dispensed on a whim. There are just a lot of very overweight Americans who couldn't afford a dose of 2,000 dollars. If you go there with 60 kilos and say you want the medication so that you have 50 kilos, it won't work 😁. But we'll see how that works in practice.
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@BamBamInvest let's see
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@Leipziger_Jung Right, apart from that, the share of sales is still very low, so it can only be a potential lever 😁
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@BamBamInvest yup, that's right. I've always found it inappropriate in the past when people write off HIMS just because they may no longer be allowed to offer GLPs. But the growth potential in this sector is huge, so I hope you're right.
If they are allowed to continue to sell the prescription syringes - plus offer Liraglutide, where the patent expires - then I see something between 2.5 and 3 billion dollars in sales this year.
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@Leipziger_Jung Let's hope so, I think $HIMS will give us a lot of pleasure in the future.