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Fortunately, there are no scams in the fiat money system and Kriminellen🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
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@MelonUsk97 In percentage, nominal terms, Fiat is far ahead.
Quite apart from the fact that the system itself is a scam.
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@MelonUsk97 In a system that can expand the money supply at will, it is very easy to generate small percentages.
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@MelonUsk97 I can move 100k in cash back and forth as many times as I want without needing an intermediary like a bank or the BTC network.
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@MelonUsk97 You talk about cash and then transfer lel. We don't need to talk any further.
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@MelonUsk97 If you have no idea, a debate is pointless. There is enough cash in circulation and it doesn't have to be collected from somewhere all the time. Why do you think €500 bills are still in circulation even though every bill is now withheld? It's not all a process with the bank as the source and sink. The cycle works quite well without it. Of course you have to legalize some of the profits at some point, that's what money laundering is for.