Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR
Historische Dividende und Prognose
Die nächste Dividende wird am 06.06.2025 ausgeschüttet.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie hoch ist die Marktkapitalisierung von Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR?
Wie hoch ist das Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) von Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR?
Wie hoch ist der Gewinn pro Aktie (EPS) für Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR?
Wie hoch ist der Umsatz von Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR in den letzten zwölf Monaten?
Wie hoch ist der freie Cashflow von Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR?
Wie viele Mitarbeiter beschäftig Swiss Life Holding Unsponsored representing Namen AKT Shares Switzerland ADR, und welchem Sektor und welcher Branche wird es zugeordnet?
- Marktkapitalisierung
- 22,00 Mrd.
- 2,138 $
- 18,36
- Umsatz (TTM)
- 17,37 Mrd.
- Free Cashflow (TTM)
- -22,81 Mio.
- 1T Spanne
- 37,94 $39,17 $
- 52W Spanne
- 31,80 $42,31 $
Swiss Life Holding AG engages in the provision of life insurances, pensions, and financial solutions. It operates through the following segments: Switzerland, Germany, France, International, Asset Managers, and Other. The Switzerland, France and Germany segments provide life insurance operations and distribution units. The life insurance operations offer a broad range of life, pension, health, annuity and investment-type policies to both groups and individuals, including disability coverage. The International segment includes cross-border insurance operations in Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Singapore, and Swiss life select units in Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The Asset Managers segment represents the management of assets for institutional clients, group's insurances business, and consulting services. The company was founded by Conrad Widmer in 1857 and is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland.
- Mitarbeiter
- 12.279
- Industrie
- Life/Health Insurance
- Sektor
- Finanzdienstleistungen
- US87089E1001
- Primärer Ticker