Blackstone Group
Historische Dividende und Prognose
Die nächste Dividende wird am 12.02.2025 ausgeschüttet.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Wie hoch ist die Marktkapitalisierung von Blackstone Group?
Wie hoch ist das Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) von Blackstone Group?
Wie hoch ist der Gewinn pro Aktie (EPS) für Blackstone Group?
Wie lauten die Analystenbewertungen und das Kursziel für die Blackstone Group Aktie?
Wie hoch ist der Umsatz von Blackstone Group in den letzten zwölf Monaten?
Wie hoch ist das EBITDA für Blackstone Group?
Wie hoch ist der freie Cashflow von Blackstone Group?
Wie viele Mitarbeiter beschäftig Blackstone Group, und welchem Sektor und welcher Branche wird es zugeordnet?
Wie hoch ist der Streubesitz (free float) der Aktien von Blackstone Group?
- Marktkapitalisierung
- 211,01 Mrd. $
- 2,909 $
- Handelbares Volumen
- 714,83 Mio.
- 59,81
- Umsatz (TTM)
- 10,52 Mrd. $
- 5,54 Mrd. $
- Free Cashflow (TTM)
- 2,12 Mrd. $
- 1T Spanne
- 164,06 $174,74 $
- 52W Spanne
- 114,90 $200,76 $
Das Preisziel liegt bei 179,05 $ und die Aktie wird von 26 Analysten gedeckt.
Blackstone, Inc. engages in the provision of investment and fund management services. It operates through the following segments: Real Estate, Private Equity, Credit and Insurance, and Hedge Fund Solutions. The Real Estate segment includes management of opportunistic real estate funds, Core+ real estate funds, high-yield real estate debt funds, and liquid real estate debt funds. The Private Equity segment consists of management of flagship corporate private equity funds, sector and geographically focused corporate private equity funds, core private equity funds, an opportunistic investment platform, a secondary fund of funds business, infrastructure-focused funds, a life sciences investment platform, a growth equity investment platform, a multi-asset investment program for eligible high net worth investors and a capital markets services business. The Credit and Insurance segment refers to Blackstone Credit, which is organized into two overarching strategies: private credit which includes mezzanine direct lending funds, private placement strategies, stressed and distressed strategies and energy strategies, and liquid credit which consists of CLOs, closed-ended funds, open ended funds and separately managed accounts. In addition, the segment includes an insurer-focused platform, an asset-based finance platform, and publicly traded master limited partnership investment platform. The Hedge Fund Solutions segment focuses on Blackstone Alternative Asset Management, which manages a broad range of commingled and customized hedge fund of fund solutions. It also includes a GP Stakes business and investment platforms that invest directly, as well as investment platforms that seed new hedge fund businesses and create alternative solutions through daily liquidity products. The company was founded by Stephen Allen Schwarzman in 1985 and is headquartered in New York, NY.
- Mitarbeiter
- 4.735
- Industrie
- Investment Managers
- Sektor
- Finanzdienstleistungen
- US09260D1072
- Primärer Ticker
- BX